Tag Archives: lead generation

A Strong Call to Action Speak Volumes To Your Customers

A Call to Action Speak Volumes To Your Customers.

If you’re doing lead generation on your website, you know the importance of Call To Action or CTA.  First we need to under what is CTA in terms of marketing.  It is basically a simple instruction to our audience to provoke them to take immediate action or response to do something for your business.

A strong call to action will always speak volumes to your customers over pretty design.  Combine a strong CTA and strong content, you will get your audience attention.

When designing your CTA always have a goal in mind.  Your goal must not focus on competing with your competitors or others.  Focus on how your CTA can help you dominate your market or niche.  Use the CRO + CVO formula.

Many clients or marketers always emphasize on Conversion Rate Optimization, (CRO).  When you focus on CRO your marketing activities are linear and difficult to stack.  Think thorough on how you can add Customer Value Optimization (CVO) too because when you have the highest customer value possible, you can spend more to acquire a customer, that is when you become unbeatable.

The CVO + CRO formula has 5 Pillars.  So the next time you plan your CTA to your marketing think through how the customer journey with you will be.

For a start, I found this article I hope can get you on your track to having a more better performance with your lead generation program .  To read click –?  “13 Little-Known Call to Action Hacks (and where to use Them)” 

Happy Reading

NOAMS Marketing Team

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